Food For The Way

Thoughts on music, culture, travel, religion and of course food!

Remembering Grandma's Hands in the planting of flowers

Grandma’s Hands, They Really Came In Handy

Remembering Grandma’s Flowers

As spring flowers once again begin to bloom, I am drawn to happy memories of Grandma. Some of my very earliest and favorite memories are of learning how to plant flowers in Grandma’s backyard beds. Of planting an apple seed in a tin can and week by week watching it grow. Learning the importance of a good balance of water, sun and pruning to make beautiful things grow. Looking back, I now see that these early lessons in the garden provided me a true example of the entirety of the Christian life. As Grandma’s hands nourished the plants, so too did they nourish my body and soul, showing me the love and mercy of Jesus.

Put Yourself in Jesus’ Hands

With Grandma there was a lesson in everything. More than just sticking flowers and seeds in the ground, it was necessary to properly prepare the soil first. But more than this, every plant went into the ground with a prayer. A prayer that the Good Lord would watch over it and protect it. This is where I first learned about how to ask Jesus for what I need and to trust in Him.

 If that is how God clothes the grass of the field, which is here today, and tomorrow is thrown into the fire, how much more will he clothe you?

Luke 12:27-28

Grandma knew that God needed our help though. In fact she even kept a magnet on her fridge which comically said, “God I’m turning all my cares over to you today, but I’m going to help!” In the garden this meant watering, weeding, and pruning. When it came to the soul, she knew it needed to be nourished by prayer and the Eucharist.

Picked Me Up Each Time I Fell

I do not believe that any problem ever existed which could not be hashed out over Grandma’s kitchen table. No matter how horrible life may have seemed there was peace, contentment and understanding in the warmth of Grandma’s kitchen. With a way of being able to call up Jesus, her hands would raise my face and tell me that Grandma understands. When her hands touched my cheeks or warmed my own, though, there was a power in them that seemed to radiate a love beyond comprehension. Looking back now, I think that God gave us grandparents to show us, in physical form, the fullness of His mercy.

Well I Don’t Have Grandma Anymore

I remember the last hug I got from Grandma. Weary and devoid of strength in her hospice bed, she gave me the biggest, tightest full body hug that I have ever received. Almost as if the hug was supposed to last me the rest of my life. As she taught me so much about trusting Jesus as a child, I was honored to be able to bring Jesus to her as she finished her Earthly pilgrimage. While praying over her the mingling of the physical and spiritual worlds was palpable.

When I Get To Heaven I’ll Look For Grandma’s Hands

Although Grandma’s Earthly journey has been over for many years now, her spirit is never far from me. As I once again plant my garden this spring I have felt her especially close. Something about the sights, sounds and warmth of spring always brings her near. Perhaps this is because she hated the cold so much. More likely though it’s her reminder to me that nothing is ever so bad that you can’t replant and start over. As we await our arrival in Heaven to see our Savior face to face, I also long to once again grasp Grandma’s hands.

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