Food For The Way

Thoughts on music, culture, travel, religion and of course food!

Category: Czech

  • A New Starting Place: Holland, Texas 1912

    A New Starting Place: Holland, Texas 1912

    A continuation of Ján Švagera’s biography. Featuring his initial taste of life in America. A surprise taste of home and his coming of age.

  • Journey to a New Land: An Unforgettable Experience

    Journey to a New Land: An Unforgettable Experience

    Part 3 of “Across Countries and Cultures: A Journeyer for Truth” Reality Takes Hold The first time seeing the ocean is a profound experience for everyone. For someone who comes from a completely landlocked country though, the experience is overwhelming. The act of boarding a ship and losing sight of any land mass whatsoever is…

  • When My Grandfather Cried Velvet Tears: A Story of Hope

    When My Grandfather Cried Velvet Tears: A Story of Hope

    A young boy’s recollection of the Velvet Revolution, November 17, 1989. Tears of hope and a personal family connection to history being made.

  • Against All Odds: The Great Escape

    Part 2 of Across Countries and Cultures: Journeyer for Truth A Man of Many Languages Unlike many of his fellow conscripted acquaintances, Ján was well educated. In particular, he was a master multi-linguist, able to proficiently speak Czech, Slovak, German, French and Italian. This would prove to be tremendously beneficial for him as tensions continued…

  • Across Continents and Cultures: A Journeyer For Truth (Pt.1)

    Across Continents and Cultures: A Journeyer For Truth (Pt.1)

    (What follows will be an ongoing series about the life and times of my Great Grandfather John Švagera. He truly had a remarkable life which included being a Czech Legionnaire during the First World War, working with the Borglum family and raising a family on the farm fields of Nebraska during the Great Depression.) He…

  • Victory of The Crucifix, Český Gulaš, Beer and Nazis

    Victory of The Crucifix, Český Gulaš, Beer and Nazis

    A wise person should know that it is never a good idea to come between a feisty Czech and their gulaš and beer. More inane yet is to mess with a feisty Czech nun and her Savior. Unfortunately, not everyone is blessed with common sense. Especially those affiliated with the Nazi party. Thus we get…

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